Access Statistics for the last 12 months

Hits by Month

Short statistics for May 1999 (updated more frequently)
Month Hits Files Pageviews Sessions KBytes sent
May 1999 73 30 17 12 172
April 1999 1823 1305 880 141 7427
March 1999 519 282 110 51 1382
February 1999 67 42 20 20 909
January 1999 192 126 56 30 9150
December 1998 385 271 83 21 608
November 1998 126 88 41 18 765
October 1998 35 21 14 15 125
September 1998 10 7 7 8 18
August 1998 11 9 6 5 63
July 1998 11 6 6 6 47
June 1998 10 9 6 6 63
Total 3262 2196 1246 333 20725
Average 271 183 103 27 1727

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http-analyze 2.2 02/May/1999 10:32